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ID Theft - Getting Caught With a Fake License Can Lead to Severe Consequences

November 07, 2021 0 Comments


Identity document forgery is essentially the act by which legal identification documents issued by government bodies are illegally altered and/or photocopied by unauthorized persons not entitled to make such copies or submit them for inspection, for the sole purpose of deceiving people who may view these documents about their identity or legal status. Such acts constitute a serious violation of fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution and other federal legislations protecting the citizens' right to privacy. Therefore, it is very important to prevent the occurrence of forgery. One way to achieve this is to ensure that any person applying for any type of official document such as driver's license, national ID, voter registration card or passport must produce his original and not a photocopied or altered version. Moreover, there should be effective mechanism to detect and investigate cases of forgery and to bring those involved to justice.

There are many ways in which a Fake id can be produced. In the first place, an original printed document that is poorly photocopied, is fraudulently altered or is photocopied and then falsely presented as being original. A more common method is to forge a signature that is not properly authenticated. Such a signature can be done by using a pen or a stylus, which would resemble the signature of a legitimate representative, while the forger's pen will resemble the signature of the person that actually signing the document.

There have been cases where people have been held in jail for months because they had carried around a fake identification card. This was actually their most valid identification, but it could be considered a clever deception, since the card actually did not bear their signature, rendering the forged one valid. Also, carrying around a false identification document is a crime, which can have serious consequences. If the identity of a person is stolen, or if another person uses his or her valid identification information to take out a loan or open a credit account under your name, you could be charged with a felony. Likewise, if you are caught trying to use your own information to obtain a driver's license, or to obtain employment, you may face jail time.

The penalties associated with the crimes of attempting to use a fake ID in these ways are only penalties, however. You could be held in jail time in some cases, or even end up having to pay restitution to the party that was illegally accused. In the most severe cases, you could be forced to go to jail and pay fines that exceed your annual salary. The first time your ID shows up on a court records database, it could be billed as the "ilk of the government" due to its cost. In some states, you may even lose your driver's license.

But perhaps the biggest penalties associated with id theft are the ones that stem from the actual crime. Unlike many other types of crimes, if you are found guilty of ID theft you will be charged with a federal offense. The penalties for this type of crime include: imprisonment, a fine, and potential penalties as part of a larger scheme. You may even find yourself facing state criminal charges as part of a scheme to steal and sell other people's licenses. If you have committed any type of ID theft, including stealing a driver's license, you should contact an attorney experienced in this area of the law.

While there is serious punishment associated with stealing another person's ID, there is also more than just the financial penalties. You can face being prevented from getting a license in the future. You could also face the possibility of spending time in prison, paying hefty fines, and even getting a lifetime of probation. If you have stolen another person's license, you should consult an experienced attorney who specializes in this area of the law to see what your best options are. If you are caught with a fake ID, you should speak to your local law enforcement authorities right away, but you should also remember that getting caught is not the worst thing that could happen.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.