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New Merchandise From the Thrilling Deathwish Band

October 15, 2021 0 Comments


In the world of online marketing, it's hard to ignore Corpse Husband Merch. Once popular with die-hard fans of YouTube phenomenon Corpse Husband, the merch product has been slowly growing in popularity online and off. While corpse husk is still a crowd favorite, it seems fans have taken to the man himself as well. While corpse husk had a small following on YouTube a few years ago, he finally became a crowd favorite in a big way in 2010 with his action-packed, gore-filled videos. While many of his videos were censored in the past, his new videos are uncensored. That's a major departure for a video that once received a lot of attention.

But even with the success of the first video, the merch doesn't just stop at videos. There are already a line of music available, a book by the man himself, and even an audio book has been written. The hype surrounding the merch isn't just limited to the video, either - there's a whole line of merch merchandise being sold directly from the official site, including coffee mugs, t-shirts, key chains, even mouse pads.

While the first merch release was a complete bust, the second is a huge success. "Cadaver Bride" is now one of the most popular videos ever seen on YouTube, and is arguably one of the creepiest and darkest videos ever made. Its risque humor, coupled with its tastefulness (the bride's corpse body is used throughout the video as a butt), has made it a popular subject matter for discussion among fans and has led to plenty of merchandise offerings. While the initial reception wasn't so good, word-of-mouth promotion has helped the corpse bride become one of the top sellers of the season.

Not only have the fans embraced the video for its symbolism - which centers around the idea that beauty is in the eyes of a woman - but they've also embraced it for its originality. While some merch models have gotten into the Halloween groove by selling cookie cutter products that look similar to ones already associated with the holiday, none has managed to go beyond a few tacky costumes. With "Cadaver Bride", the band gives fans a product that is original, tasteful, and even a little questionable.

The video's fans are not alone, however. Music industry heavyweights Chaka Khan and Busta Rhymes also lent their voices to the track, along with several other lesser known artists. The sheer diversity of talent that can be found on Deathwish - from rap and pop to metal and classical - means that any fans of this great genre are likely to find something that appeals to them. In fact, many fans are so excited about the new direction that they're jumping on the bandwagon and buying up everything that is available.

If you want to get involved, you can start by checking out the merch website. There, you'll find plenty of options for both new and used merchandise. You can also sign up for merch email lists that will keep you informed about new and used merchandise that is released by bands like Deathwish. In addition to offering an awesome selection of items, these lists will also help you avoid making the same mistakes as many others by getting your merch spot on.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.