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Care's Global Appeal

October 21, 2021 0 Comments


Care is an international humanitarian organization dedicated to providing long term assistance to those in need. Established in 1945, CARE is impartial, non-profit, and not affiliated with any country or government. It is also one of the oldest and largest humanitarian aid organizations active on the planet focused on combating global poverty and hunger. It operates twenty four countries including India, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and Southeast Asia. In the last decade alone, CARE has provided assistance to over fifteen million people in more than twenty two countries in the Asia Pacific and the South Pacific region. The organization operates in more than seventy languages throughout the developing world.

The primary function of CARE is to provide a safety net of financial assistance to families in need. Financial assistance is provided primarily through the alltagrug. Through the alltagrug, which means "all meals and living expenses", families are able to meet their basic needs. Care has recently introduced the sie alltagshelfer (shelter for the poor) and the sie krantag (food for the needy).

The sie alltagrug program was launched in response to the recent increase in malnutrition and poverty in developing countries. The objective of the program is to provide access to nutritious food to those who otherwise would not have had the opportunity to have adequate food. The alltagrug program feeds thousands of people each month. Care has also developed a number of other programs, including the food for care programme, the food for peace programme, the food for training programme, and the food for business programme. These programmes are designed to strengthen partnerships between local people and foreign actors such as the United Nations, donor agencies, multinational companies, and the local population.

Care has a long history of working closely with vulnerable populations. The programme is administered by a board called "Caribbean Solutions for Human Poorness". Care's primary objectives are to improve health and nutrition and provide economic growth through sustainable development. The programme works closely with national and regional governments to address the most pressing issues on the ground. Among its primary projects are projects for improved access to affordable food and rural development, reduction of poverty, increase in income and social benefits, reduction of social exclusion and child immunization.

The Caribbean region has been facing problems of food scarcity and insecurity for several years. An international agency has been deployed by Care to provide food assistance to the areas affected by the 2021 Tsunami which resulted in a rise in starvation deaths. Since then, Care has worked on a number of development programmes to improve the food situation in the regions. One programme it has developed is the sie alltagrug, which empowers the poor to access affordable food through a multi-stakeholder programme supported by the United Nations and other donor agencies.

The Caribbean island states have long been at the receiving end of food crises. Through its programmes, Care hopes to alleviate poverty, improve the health and nutrition conditions of those in need, improve access to basic infrastructure and provide employment. Other projects include projects aimed at improving the quality of water and sanitation, improve access to affordable energy, improve the management of scarce natural resources and enhance the security of the environment. The success of these programmes depends largely on continuing support from donor agencies and the local communities.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.